Thursday 22 January 2015

Sarah to ethiopia 2015

Hey everyone!

I've been fundraising for my Ethiopia mission trip for a few months now and I'd like to update everyone on the progress. It looks like that I only need to sell 25 more bracelets before I reach my goal of a $300.00 registration fee. Realistically, 25 isn't that many. Which is great! I just need your help in achieving this goal. Bracelets are $5.00. To think that you spend around that much for a cup of coffee when you could sacrifice one cup of coffee to send a girl to another country. Plus, I have all the colors of the rainbow. Or even better, colors to support your football team (GO SEAHAWKS).

So. 25 bracelets to go. Superbowl coming up. People need items to show their support. Send a girl to Africa.


I love you all.

(Ps. attached is a picture of what they look like. This was taken to thank the teacher from high school who purchased 10 for the student body representatives at my Alma Mater. Like I stated, they can be any color.. don't be deterred from the specific color these are)

You can donate via Paypal, or contact me. Below is the link for my Paypal.
Donate here for Ethiopia!