Tuesday 17 September 2013

Holy cow. I just realized how many days I've missed from blogging. I apologize for this.
Now that I have some time to get everyone up to date, here goes!

Last week was a busy one. From Bath to Stonehenge to Oxford to having a very bad cold for all of last week and weekend, I haven't had any time for me.

Let's start with Thursday.
Thursday is when I felt my throat feel very sore but not yet wearing me down. Nothing really special happened on this day.
Friday is when the 20 of us traveled to Bath, England to see the Roman Baths and the different style of architecture between London and Bath. The Roman Baths were incredible. First of all, I was trying to absorb everything since I thought I would never see these things in person in my lifetime but a lot can change in a year. Or 6 months. Or even a week.
 We woke up at 6:30 and was on the train to Bath at 9 in the morning so you can imagine it was a very long day for us. This was when my cold really started hitting me. Because this was an overnight trip only, we had a lot to do in a very short amount of time.
When we got to Bath, we were staying in a hostel (not a hotel) so we put our things in a room and got told to meet at a certain place at a certain time. Bath is very uniform. The buildings look the same and the streets are the same. It was actually quite amazing.
The city is built around a city central and the city central has anything between a church, an outdoor shopping mall, fudge shops, coffee shops, and a town center where gypsies and singers perform for money. It's amazing.
Around 2 o'clock we had a walking tour and at this point my cold had gotten worse. Unfortunately, there is no sun in England. In fact, this country gets about as many days of rain as Seattle does. So the walking tour was in the rain. I didn't feel myself and I feel like I completely skipped the Bath experience because of my illness. From what I retained about the walking tour was Bath was taken over by the Romans and they built the city to their liking. That's why there are Roman Baths in England.
The tour was about 2 hours long and took us around the city. It's a very small city. After the tour we went on another tour of the actual Roman Baths.

After the tour of the Roman Baths, my friend and I went back to the hostel where we both crashed. It was about 6 when we got back and we both slept until 9. I slept completely through dinner. Around 9:30 I went back asleep until the next morning when I woke up at 8:30. So.. pretty much, I missed the Bath trip. Or at least, I slept through the trip. All because of a dang cold.

We hopped on our shuttle back to London and on our way back we made a stop to Stonehenge. This was a remarkable site. 

We were here for about an hour and it was cool to see. It was smaller than what I've seen on movies but at least now I can brag I've been there :P

On Sunday my friend and I took a spontaneous trip to Oxford to visit a friend who is attending there for the year. It was a gorgeous place to be and sort of reminded me of University of Washington with how the school took up so much space. I saw some of the places where Harry Potter was filmed and I especially saw a girl I haven't seen since June and probably won't see until next year at some point.

But overall, it was a packed weekend and
today was the first day I felt good and myself again. This cold has finally decided to bug off and leave me be with a week left of the trip and a week left until my birthday.

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