Tuesday 9 September 2014

Ethiopia is calling me

A lot can happen in a year.
This time last year I was gallivanting England with my study abroad group but now, a year has passed and I'm being called to go to Ethiopia in 2015. The timing of this trip is perfect. I graduate in June 2015 and so I'll be transitioning my life to adjust to that of the real world- worried about getting a permanent job, moving out of the home I live in currently, and worrying about student debt.
I'm excited to make this trip happen. Because I'll be worrying about all these things at once, I'm excited to go into another country where they worry about simple things like access to food and water, where I take these things for granted. I'm excited for the challenging step outside my own view of the world and see how others live around the world. It's one thing to hear about it but to actually place your feet in those shoes is humbling.

The trip is through my church and through YWAM. Like last time, I'm making bracelets (because I'm not very creative and can't think of anything else to do) but fortunately, they last forever. They look flimsy but the love and gratitude make sure they last forever. ;)

Attached below is a picture of a couple sample bracelets. I have all sorts of colors so I can customize the colors of your choice. I've also attached a "donate" button connected to my paypal.

If you're interested you can contact me through phone, facebook, or email. I'm already so grateful for everyone's support and blessed I even have this opportunity to get myself in check.

                            (They are $5 dollars each but I'm willing to mail them if need be)

Click here!

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