Tuesday 17 February 2015

More fundraising business

Dear Friends and Family,                                                             

I’m currently on the mission (pun, get it?) to fund my mission trip to Ethiopia July 28th- August 11th, 2015 with Everett First Covenant.
This trip has been a challenging decision- I’ve been going back and forth from deciding if I should go or not, if this is actually what God wants me to do or if this is just something I’ve made myself believe.
Well, when I would decide I couldn’t go, something in the back of my mind would always be there making me think that I need to go, to do this. So. I’m committing, trusting God, and going.
My fears going into this trip is the timing of it. Although this is a short term trip, I’m going right after graduation. Knowing this, I really believe that God planned this accordingly.
I say that because this trip takes place a month after I graduate and I’ve been hit with the reality that although getting myself through college was challenging, at least I had the opportunity to attend a secondary education institution and that we can’t take this opportunity for granted.

This year when we go to Kore, Ethiopia, we will be supplying the children with school uniforms, school registration fees, lunchboxes, backpacks- the essentials needed for school. Because it’s not easy for children everywhere to attend school, I’m humbled that I even had the opportunity to attend a secondary school and now I have the opportunity to help those who are trying to further themselves like I was able to.

All that being said God has a time and place for everything and I need your help. Having the tables turned and providing assistance to those who haven’t had the chance to go to school, I’m realizing I can’t do this by myself.
I need to raise $800 by February 26th (which is very very very last minute and I know this) but I truly believe God will let it all fall into place. If 20 of my friends/family donated $40 dollars, I’d have my goal. Anyways, I’ve been fundraising by making and selling bracelets and my friend and I are teaming up by having a spaghetti dinner.
But I still need help. There are a number of ways you can donate- give me jobs and pay me. Like babysitting, housesitting, making me run a mile, etc.
You can send the donation form and a check or money order made out to: Adoption Ministry of YWAM (do not put my name anywhere on the check or money order).
you can make a donation by credit card (Visa & MC) by using the donation form or calling: 1­888­968­2367 or 1 ­253­770­2283 (if by phone, please let them know funds are for my portion of the team expenses).

Even if you don’t donate, prayers are especially welcomed in this fundraising and missioning process.
Thank you so much for supporting me in advance.

DONATION FORM (Contact me if you're interested in receiving a donation form)

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